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News - A first for Nursing in Scotland!

QMU Nursing

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

First Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International in Scotland, to be known as Omega Xi Chapter

The Division of Nursing at Queen Margaret University are delighted to announce that they are to form the first Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International in Scotland, to be known as Omega Xi Chapter.  The President and CEO of Sigma Theta Tau International flying in specially to officially recognise this new Chapter at the Chartering Ceremony on the 18th October 2019. VIP Nurse leaders from NHS Lothian, NHS Fife and QNIS are attending along with QMU Principal, Sir Paul Grice and Omega Xi Chapter Board President Jan Dewing and Vice President Brendan McCormack.

For more information on the Omega Xi Chapter and how to apply for Nurse & Nurse Student membership of the Chapter and your invitation to the Chartering Ceremony please visit our website or click on the featured content.

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